Improving Economic Outcomes for African-Americans In The SF Bay Area

As Principal Investigator (PI) of a new research study in collaboration with community partners and Mills at Northeastern University, our President & CEO is leading the charge in championing "Empowerment Learning" as a viable strategy for improving economic outcomes for African-Americans in the SF Bay Area.

Dr. NNeka Allen-Harrison released a groundbreaking research report in June 2024 with findings and recommendations that have far-reaching implications for the research needs of CBOs, secondary and higher education institutions, local, state, and federal entities, and other groups concerned with improving workforce and innovation opportunities for the Black Bay Area and others impacted by economic disparities.


A Certified Small Business (SB) approved by the State of California.

We are happy to announce that Summit Learning Institute® is now a Certified Small Business (SB) by the State of California - Department of General Services (DGS)! 

Summit Learning Institute® Is A Certified Minority-Owned Business.

We are happy to announce that Summit Learning Institute® has been certified by ByBlack and the U.S. Chambers, Inc. (USBC) as a Minority-Owned Business and Black-Owned Business! 

ByBlack Directory Listing

Expanding Our Corporate & Community Partnerships

Summit Learning Institute® is now an approved diversity-owned supplier in the Meta Diversity Supplier Program to its internal staff and departmental teams.

Expanding Our Corporate & Community Partnerships

Summit Learning Institute® has joined Google, Inc. as a Global Diversity Supplier to its internal staff and departmental teams.

Improving Economic Outcomes for African-Americans In The SF Bay Area

As Principal Investigator (PI) of a new research study in collaboration with community partners and Mills at Northeastern University, our President & CEO is leading the charge in championing "Empowerment Learning" as a viable strategy for improving economic outcomes for African-Americans in the SF Bay Area.